Instructions for Paper Presentation:

  1. Use the PPT template available in the website for making your presentation.
  2. Please ensure that the presentation has no more than 10 slides.
  3. The duration will be 8+2 minutes.
  4. Organize your paper into subdivisions, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature cited

Instructions for Poster Presentation:

  1. Posters will be displayed as e-posters on plasma screens.
  2. Presenters have to design their posters as per the following instructions on a single PPT slide
  3. Format : JPG or PNG
    Poster should be in Landscape and 16:9 aspect ratio.
  4. Organize your poster into subdivisions, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature cited.
  5. The duration will be 3+2 minutes.

Guideline for E-Poster Submission:

Electronic Posters or E-Posters are similar to traditional paper posters, but displayed on-site on a 50” display.
All accepted posters will be displayed on ePoster stations.

Please note that, there will not be any physical posters.

The format/size of the posters should be in Powerpoint, Landscape 16:9, one slide only.

To be of value, your poster should not be too cluttered. It should be set out in a clear and logical manner, with reading matter reduced to an essential minimum. Lettering, including figure legends, labelling, symbols & graphs etc, should be large enough to be legible when viewed on a 50" screen. Ordinary type-face is NOT adequate. Drawings, diagrams and photos are extremely helpful and often necessary to display results and conclusions. Make sure that your illustrations are easy to understand; do not overload any chart or drawing with information.

Recommended Font Sizes And Styles :

You should use dark text colours on a light background, or vice versa. Recommended fonts are Calibri, Verdana and Arial, as these are easy to read and It’s possible that other fonts may have cross-operating system display issues. Title: 50 - 60 pt (font size), although if you have a long title, you may find you need to use a slightly smaller font size.

Authors and institutions: 30 - 36 pt. Main text: 32 - 36 pt, although 28 pt or even 24 pt could be used in isolated areas, or if you have a very large amount of text.
References / Bibliography: 24 - 32 pt.

Videos & animations are not allowed in your poster.